What is the Boleskine House Foundation and what are the charity’s aims and goals?
The Boleskine House Foundation SCIO is a Scottish Registered charity with registration number SC049568. The Boleskine House Foundation SCIO was established to rebuild and conserve Boleskine House, a B-listed building that has suffered two fires in recent history. The charity’s first and primary goal is to save this historic building and to restore it to its historical sympathy. You can find more information on our goals on our Mission and Vision page.
What land does the charity own?
The charity owns two B-listed buildings on the original Boleskine land (Boleskine House and the “Coach House”) and the surrounding land. This land includes the immediate gardens of Boleskine House and the old farm land near the Coach House. The Boleskine House Foundation does not own the B-Listed Gate Lodge at the entrance to the estate. The Gate Lodge is privately owned and maintained.
How will Boleskine House be restored?
Our project is conservation-led. It is the intention of the charity to restore the house to its historical integrity. Boleskine House is a Grade B listed property, which means that there are restrictions to ensure that this is done. We are working closely with conservation accredited architects, the historic environment team at the Highland Council and interior designers to be favourable to how the house might display its original Georgian and Jacobean features.
What do you plan on doing with Boleskine House when it is finished?
The charity’s prime goal at present is to consolidate and preserve the listed fabric of the building. The full restoration of Boleskine House is currently anticipated to complete in 2022. Upon completion, Boleskine House will be open to the public during daytime hours for guided tours about the history of its estate. Future activities and events on the estate will be subject to the decisions of the board of trustees, and if necessary planning permission by the Highland Council. Presently there are no such plans for events however.
Will anyone live in Boleskine House after it is restored?
The Boleskine House Foundation does not plan for the house to be the primary residence of any one individual, but for security purposes we will ensure that someone is either staffed there or otherwise occupying the house at all times.
How will Boleskine House be maintained after it is restored?
The charity has achieved planning permission for an in-depth resilience plan that will ensure that Boleskine House will continue to be funded after the restoration project is finished. These plans will be made available in 2021.
What will happen with the money you raise in donations for the charity?
All donations are presently allocated to the restoration of Boleskine House, unless otherwise specified by donors. Donations are always allocated towards our mission and vision. As of December 2020, The Boleskine House Foundation is utilizing donations for remedial emergency works to stabilize the building, primarily through installing and securing internal and external masonry.
How can I visit Boleskine House?
Boleskine House does not currently have public hours of operation. However, we are open for limited guided tours providing they are arranged with us in advance and visitors are not travelling from restricted areas due to Covid-19. Please visit the Plan Your Visit section of our website for more information.
Is the Boleskine House Foundation affiliated with any other organizations?
No, the Boleskine House Foundation is not affiliated with any other organizations and acts entirely independently. This does not mean that The Boleskine House Foundation has not sought outreach opportunities with various communities and organizations to help spread the news of our project and our mission. However, such outreach campaigns do not betoken the charity with any legal affiliation or obligation towards any other organization.